Super Magnesium
Super Magnesium
Super Magnesium


Super Magnesium

Sale price$ 390.00 MXN
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Dr. Nuzum's Super Magnesium provides the miracle mineral that affects just about everything! Magnesium is a macromineral, which means it is needed in relatively large amounts to maintain normal body functions. Other macrominerals include calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorous, and chloride. Magnesium is technically an alkaline earth metal on the periodic table. Because it is inorganic, which means our bodies cannot create it, it must be obtained through diet or supplementation.

Unfortunately, due to poor agricultural practices and excessive processing, increasing your intake of magnesium-rich foods is not enough to provide the level you really need. Approximately 75% of American adults consume less than the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for magnesium.

Supplementation with Super Magnesium ensures the most direct absorption and the highest dose retention with few or no side effects.

Don't make the same mistake as 75% of the population and try to function while deficient in this miracle macro-mineral.

Magnesium helps:

  • It regulates 300 different enzymatic reactions in the body.
  • Regulate blood sugar
  • Thyroid function and hormone balance
  • Development, maintenance and strength of bones
  • Regulate cholesterol production.

Main ingredients:

magnesium chloride flakes they are dissolved in distilled water until the water is so saturated that it takes on an oil-like consistency. There is no oil or petroleum products in Super Magnesium.

A carbon-oxygen compound is added to the mixture which combines with the magnesium chloride to become magnesium oxide and magnesium carbonate. This allows for better skin penetration, so a smaller dose can be used to achieve results. Additionally, magnesium oxide helps oxygenate the system once it enters the bloodstream, while magnesium carbonate helps neutralize acids.


Apply 10-20 drops topically to the affected area, or to the inner arms or abdomen for best results. It is not intended for internal use or to be used on open wounds.

Frequent questions

Why topical application instead of capsules? 

Topical application of Super Magnesium is preferred because a smaller dose can achieve the same results as larger doses taken orally. The body can normally absorb about 25% of the indicated dose of magnesium capsules. However, 98% of the dose is retained by the body when it is applied and absorbed through the skin. Also, magnesium is not well absorbed through the stomach wall without taking a vitamin D supplement. Super Magnesium mixes with vitamin D into the skin as it is absorbed, so additional vitamin D supplements are not required as long as you get a lot of sun exposure. Topical magnesium supplementation will not have a laxative effect, which can be typical when magnesium is taken orally.

What if my skin is sensitive? 

In some situations where a person is severely deficient in magnesium, topical application of Super Magnesium can cause all the capillaries to open up to absorb as much as possible. This reaction produces a red, itchy area where the solution was applied, but it should go away within minutes. If this happens, reduce the dose to one drop per area until the reaction is not as severe, then increase to two drops, then three, and so on. Over time, as the deficiency is corrected, the reaction will no longer occur.

Can anyone take Super Magnesium? 

Dr. Nuzum uses this product with his patients who have general aches and pains, muscle cramps, lazy gut, and joint pain. Dr. Nuzum and his wife use it personally and also use it with their children.