Super Digest
Super Digest


Super Digest

Sale price$ 795.00 MXN


Super Digest is one of the most powerful digestive enzyme formulas on the market. This formula includes 10 types of active digestive enzymes that improve digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, as well as the pineapple proteolytic enzyme, bromelain, and the papaya proteolytic enzyme, papain, which provide very broad coverage of enzyme support. digestive.

With its various proteases, Peptidase, Bromelain and Papain, Super Digest improves the digestion of proteins, which many believe to be the most difficult foods to digest. These are the types of enzymes that also support the body's ability to regulate inflammation and offer excellent support to the pancreas by reducing its digestive workload. The additional digestive support provided by Super Digest in the form of carbohydrate and fat-digesting enzymes aids in the digestion of dietary fibers and other carbohydrates, helping to reduce gas production and bloating, as well as the digestion of fats, reducing so the swelling diarrhea and “greasy” stools.

Your digestive system is home to one of the key microbiomes in your body and supports your health holistically. Undigested food, either stuck to the walls of your digestive tract or moving slowly through your digestive tract, becomes a breeding ground for all the bad microorganisms in your gut, take a digestive enzyme supplement to ensure that everything is digested as completely as possible drastically improves this. situation. Super Digest supports the overall health, immunity, and vitality of anyone suffering from bloating, excess flatulence, constipation, and acid reflux.


Super Digest helps:

  • Improve digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • Improves the digestive process.
  • increase energy
  • reduce inflammation
  • Support pancreas health
  • Reduce gas production
  • Helps leaky gut


Main ingredients:

Protease, peptidase, neutral protease, bromelain (pineapple enzyme), papain (papaya enzyme), amylase, alpha-galactosidase, lactase, acid maltase, invertase, and lipase


Take 1-2 capsules before or with meals or as directed by your doctor. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare professional before use.

TIP: To increase the effectiveness of these probiotics, take 8-10 sprays of Equalizer Concentrate with Super Digest.

Frequent questions

Who would serve more Super Digest?

  • Those who suffer from indigestion, acid reflux, poor digestion, constipation, food allergies and sensitivities and those who suffer from inflammatory issues.

How do I know if I should take one or two capsules?

  • Depending on one's ability to digest and the level of digestive dysfunction one may have, 1 capsule is usually enough to help digest a small meal or a meal that is mostly raw food, 2 capsules would be for when one eats cooked food, 3- 4 Capsules may be required with a large meal.

How long should I keep taking Super Digest?

  • Usually, Dr. Nuzum has his patients take Super Digest until their digestion improves. You can then proceed to take Super Digest only with large meals.

Can I give this to my child and how much?

  • Dr. Nuzum uses Super Digest with his children. A capsule with copious meals or when eating something of questionable content, when eating out, etc.

How long does it take to start working?

  • Usually Super Digest works very quickly, even with the first serving.

What happens to food that the body cannot digest?

  • In a healthy digestive system, the body will absorb the nutrients it needs and remove the "food stuff" it doesn't need through regular, healthy bowel movements. However, when the digestive system is not working properly, excess food is not eliminated properly and becomes toxic within the body as it slowly moves through the intestine, fermenting and growing toxic and unhealthy bacteria and fungi.

Can Super Digest help my leaky gut syndrome?

  • An ailment like Leaky Gut Syndrome is a perfect example of how the body can begin to attack food when it is not absorbed or eliminated as intended. Any time the digestive system is stressed, it can create feelings of discomfort, restlessness, a prolonged feeling of fullness, or disturb daily bowel movements. As Dr.Nuzum says, "Leaky gut cannot be cured without digestive enzymes."