


Sale price$ 750.00 MXN

Harmony helps:

  • hormonal imbalances
  • Regulate menstrual cycles
  • Relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
  • Improve liver function
  • improve digestion
  • increase libido
  • Reduce depression and anxiety
  • Reduce hair fall
  • improve mood

Harmony is a botanical nourishing blend that promotes hormonal balance and improves hormonal function. Harmony is created using a unique blend of botanicals and nutrients and is created specifically for women who use these botanicals to orchestrate harmony in the symphony of female hormonal balance.

No matter what a woman is dealing with, this herbal formula can improve hormonal balance and overall well-being.

Harmony eases discomfort and helps your body recover from many common hormonal problems. By continuing to support hormonal balance within the body, the age at which one can remain healthy, active, youthful, and vigorous is much less limited. Harmony benefits those with issues caused by hormonal imbalances that can range from estrogen dominance, PCOS, low estrogen, and much more.

Hormones are critical chemical messengers that affect the entire body. They are produced and managed within the endocrine system and control vital bodily functions such as respiration, metabolism, reproduction, sensory perception, movement, sexual development, and growth. Various glands make up the endocrine system, with some of the most critical glands being the pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal glands, kidneys, ovaries, testicles, and pancreas. Most of these hormones work in concert with one another, which means that if even one hormone is out of balance, it can disrupt multiple functions within your body.

Key ingredients:

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCL) supports hormones and neurotransmitters that bring balance to the body. Vitamin B6 helps regulate both neurotransmitter hormones and reproductive hormones. It is known primarily for its mood stabilizing benefits, as well as helping to reduce estrogen dominance while increasing progesterone production. Vitamin B6 reduces histamine levels and helps stabilize blood sugar.

Magnesium affects mood regulation supports healthy bones and keeps your hormones at healthy levels. It is also involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions throughout the body and promotes relaxation.

Vitex is a plant used as an herbal remedy for many female reproductive ailments and is beneficial for women in all phases of femininity. Vitex is known to help improve conditions that affect the reproductive system. The most common are premenstrual syndrome, menopausal symptoms, and infertility problems.

Dandelion root is a bitter plant that stimulates bile production to facilitate the liver's detoxification process. Dandelion helps control estrogen dominance and aids in hormonal balance through detoxification of "bad" estrogen. Dandelion helps remove progesterone byproducts from the body through excretion.

Dosage: Take 1 capsule 3 times daily or as directed by your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions Can Harmony benefit all women?

  • Yes, this is for menstruating women, but it could also be used by young adolescent women for PMS problems and menopausal women.

Why are my hormones out of whack anyway?

  • Hormones can become unbalanced for many reasons. It has become a high-stress, toxic world with virtually no way to avoid hormonal disruption. The fast-paced life most people live today results in poor diet, inadequate sleep, and excess stress, all of which disrupt hormonal balance. Additionally, the increasing reliance on pharmaceutical drugs and synthetic hormones, as well as toxin discontinuation, has made it difficult to maintain hormones at normal levels.

Can this be helpful for a woman going through menopause?

  • Yes, it improves the utilization of the hormones that are present, and it is also helpful in increasing the effectiveness of bioidentical hormone therapy.

Can it be used for a woman with menstrual problems?

  • Yes, specifically "Vitex" has been used traditionally for the regulation of menstruation for centuries.

Can this be taken after a hysterectomy?

  • Yes, to improve the utilization of the hormones that are still available.

I am taking birth control, can I take this?

  • Yes, these ingredients do not normally interrupt the activity of birth control, and in many cases, these ingredients can help offset some of the symptoms of birth control side effects.

How do I know if my hormones are out of balance?

  • Some of the most common symptoms are heavy or irregular periods, acne on the face, chest, or upper back, weight gain, hair loss/thinning, vaginal dryness/painful sex, and night sweats.

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