Black Brew Blend
Black Brew Blend
Black Brew Blend


Black Brew Blend

Sale price$ 935.00 MXN

Humic and Fulvic Acid (Black Brew) Helps:

  • Detoxify heavy metals and neutralize radiation

  • Heal damage to the stomach and digestive system

  • Increase nutrient absorption

  • Calm inflammation in the intestinal wall

  • Detoxify the intestine and liver

  • restore hormonal balance

Discover the power of one of the most effective, healing, and detoxifying formulas ever created: Black Brew. Most of us have enough daily exposure to toxins that a consistent intake of Black Brew is needed to help prevent waste from building up in our systems. Black Brew is like Miracle-Grow for your microbiome.

When combined with polydisperse carbon, acids are more easily distributed, covering massive amounts of surface area within the digestive system. Black Brew coats the intestinal wall, healing damage and calming inflammation caused by toxins, infection, or trauma. Additionally, the electrical charge created by combining fulvic, humic, and ulmic compounds with ions helps to attract minerals rather than repel them, allowing for better nutrient absorption.

Main ingredients:

humic acid on its own it can flush minerals out of your body if used for long periods of time. By combining humic compounds with carbon compounds, it becomes a super electrolyte that helps the body draw nutrition through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. Then it can be delivered where it is needed most.

fulvic acid it is a fantastic chelator and transport system. Fulvic can help humic acid by increasing the amount of nutrients that can be transported and the amount of waste that can be removed.

ulmic acid it is one of the best front-line defenses against hormone disruptors. It can chelate waste and toxins from hormone receptor sites, allowing them to remain "open" so hormones can "turn on" instead of being blocked by toxins.

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